
Kubernetes operator for managing container checkpoints

Adrian Reber, Radostin Stoyanov, Prajwal S N
go, git, kubernetes, YAML, CRIU, CRDs
garbage collection, Kubernetes Operator, Container Checkpointing
Project Summary: The project aims to enhance Kubernetes container checkpoint management through advanced garbage collection policies. These policies will enable users to efficiently manage checkpoint resources, preventing operational challenges and resource exhaustion. Problem Statement: Current container checkpoint management lacks advanced and flexible garbage collection policies. This results in operational inefficiencies and resource wastage. Proposed Solution: Enhance the existing Kubernetes operator with advanced garbage collection policies. These policies will empower users to define how checkpoints are managed at different levels (global, per-namespace, per-pod, per-container), ensuring efficient resource utilization and preventing operational challenges. Key Deliverables: Garbage Collection Policies: 1. Implement dynamic checkpoint threshold policy for fine-grained control over checkpoint management. 2. Introduce orphaned checkpoint cleanup policy to remove obsolete checkpoints. 3. Implement time-based checkpoint retention policy for automatic deletion of outdated checkpoints. Automated Checkpoint Management (Optional): 1. Automate checkpoint lifecycle management, including creation, replacement, and deletion. 2. Enforce storage quotas and monitor storage utilization. 3. Collect metrics, enable alerting, and implement event logging for proactive management. Impact: The implementation of these garbage collection policies will enable users to manage different container's(pod's, namespace's) checkpoint with different garbage collection policies. It will optimize resource utilization, and enhance operational efficiency. Note: Optional functionalities such as automated checkpoint management will be considered based on available time and project priorities.