Luwei Wang

Self generated Table 1 for D4CG medical data

Data for the Common Good
Data for the Common Good
python, javascript
machine learning, data analysis
Table 1 or demographic tables are used to set the baseline characteristics in medical research. They are often the first table in the papers indicating the study population. While Table 1 is necessary for an article, the traditional generation methods are tedious and time-consuming. The D4CG platform serves as an independent data source for medical research. If the platform can provide self-generated Table 1 based on the users' preferences, it will support the researchers and help to get a deeper insight into the data as well. This project aims to provide a new component for the PCDC portal enabling the users to get Table 1 in various layouts with selected data. The project will involve user interface design and data analysis to make the tool best suit the users' requirements.