Ganning Xu

Building Rich User Interfaces for Airavata Services

Apache Software Foundation
node.js, grpc, Electron.js, Airavata MFT, Airavata
Currently, Apache Airavata Managed File Transfers (MFT) is accessed through a command line interface (CLI), using commands such as mft storage list. However, it is also possible to access MFT through the gRPC API. Thus, developing a desktop application for a user interface is entirely possible and would make MFT accessible to even more people. Such a user interface would have the following functionalities and deliverables: - Provide all the functionalities the MFT CLI provides, such as: - Start & stop a MFT instance - Storage Functionality - Register storages (S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure, Openstack SWIFT, SCP, FTP, Box, - DropBox, OData, Agent, HTTP) - List storages - Remove storages - File Functionality - List files in storage - Move files between storage endpoints - Add files to storage - Remove file from storage - Upload files to storage - Search for data files between multiple storage endpoints - Get performance numbers (such as transfer rates in each agent) and other analytics Such a user interface will likely involve the use of ElectronJS on the frontend and a node.js backend, which connects through the gRPC API to communicate with Airavata MFT.