Roshan Raj Singh

Roshan Singh - Agora Blockchain

Bruno, jddeep, hackeramitkumar, Abanda Ludovic, Kumar Harsh, Chandan S Gowda, Harish Dendukuri, Prarabdh Shukla
reactjs, Solidity, Hardhat, Wagmi, EIP, PolybaseDB, Chainlink-CCIP
blockchain, cryptography, Web3.0
1. Diamond Proxy Vulnerability: Problems: The current diamond proxy has a lot of vulnerabilities like re-entrancy, fake votes and unsupervised function calls. This can lead to anyone fake their votes or launch attacks that can make voting very difficult for others. Set of deliverables: Mitigate vulnerabilities like re-entrancy and fake votes in Diamond Proxy through encryption and frequent security evaluations. 2. Cross-Chain Interoperability: Problems: The current Dapp only allows voting on 1 specific blockchain this can restrict user accessibility and reliability. Set of deliverables: Enabling cross chain interoperability will allow users to vote from any blockchain. 3. Web3 Database Implementation: Problems: The current implementation charges very high gas fee for creation and interaction with elections. Set of deliverables: Reduce on-chain data storage, optimizing performance and scalability while maintaining data integrity. Also removes the barrier to pay gas for registering in Dapp. 4. Expansion of Voting Algorithms: Problem: Limited algorithms result in a lack of proper representation of views and give lesser choices to organizers. Set of deliverables: Adding diverse voting algorithms like ranked choice and quadratic voting. 5. ERC1155 for Voter Proof: Problem: Users currently have no proof of participation in an election and no section in Dapp to check for their voted elections. Set of deliverables:By minting an NFT for each vote cast, users will have verifiable evidence of their participation in voting. 6. Adding Hashing to Voting system: Problem: The current voting system lacks privacy since voting details can be traced through blockchain transactions. Set of deliverables: Implementing argument hashing to ensure the anonymity of votes, thereby preventing the disclosure of any user's voting choices.