Ali Haydar

Implementation of a g-k converter and Improvements to the existing k-g converter

Daniel Rossberg, ChrisM
c, c++, FEM, LS-DYNA
mesh, FEM, Geomtry
The ability to convert BRL-CAD database files to other formats is an important feature, especially being able to convert the BRL-CAD geometry into a format that a well-known finite-element solver like LS-DAYNA can read, this will allow the users to run a physical/ structural analysis using a geometry on which they invested a non-trivial amount of time creating in BRL-CAD. Considering that BRL-CAD and LS-DYNA support NURBS, the implementation of geometrically exact conversion between the two formats could constitute an attractive feature. The project proposal also involves some viable improvements to the existing .k to .g converter.