
RIoTPot: A Shapeshifting honeypot

Shreyas Srinivasa, Manolis
The Honeynet Project
postgresql, golang, docker
cyber security, honeypot
# Advance Device Profiles --- To enhance RIoTPot with pre-set and custom device profiles. The profiles will be displayed using an interface that users can toggle to customise their experience. Profiles are provided with services, banners and other device information. This configuration should be available to the user while using the application. ## Timeline 1. June-July: Basic API to communicate between the web interface and RIoTPot configuration and state. 2. July to August: Create behaviour trees and a switch-based view. Hand-in phase 1 3. August to September: Implementing a number of profiles and cleaning the documentation. 4. September until the end: Hand in phase 2 and polish the application.