Manuel Meitinger

QUIC Support in mitmproxy

Maximilian Hils
The Honeynet Project
python, git
HTTP/3, Man in the Middle Tools, Security Research, Privacy Forensics
mitmproxy is a superb tool for security and privacy forensics. It currently supports HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, but lacks support for QUIC and HTTP/3. This leaves about 25% of the web's traffic in the dark. The project's goal is to change that. To achieve this goal, UDP support and layers for QUIC and HTTP/3 need to be implemented in mitmproxy. For UDP, stream-like readers and writers will be introduced. Facilitating a library will aid in implementing QUIC, preferably aioquic. The new HTTP/3 layer will be based upon mitmproxy's existing HTTP/2 layer. Once the project is complete, QUIC and HTTP/3 traffic can be inspected using mitmproxy as well, just like HTTP/1+2 today. As a bonus, DNS capabilities will also be available, as a proof-of-concept for UDP support.