
Campaigns Retention Metrics Dashboard

Jay Prakash, Krishna Chaitanya Velaga
Wikimedia Foundation
python, django, html, flask, sql, kubernetes, css, spark, dash, Streamlit, Matplotlib, seaborn, Plotly
data visualization, data analysis, data processing, Dashboard, User Retention Metrics, Data handling
Campaigns are content/theme focused activities organized annually by collaborating with many volunteer communities and other government/private institutions. A hidden advantage of campaigns is, it acts as an open door to the Wikimedia world for new participants who are either interested or working in the field of the campaign theme thus improving the content and communities experiences. Therefore, creating a visual dashboard can give a better understanding of the retention of new users on various Wikimedia projects over different time periods after a campaign has ended. Following are the deliverables of the project: 1. A dashboard tool to track the edits of new users who registered their accounts during a selected campaign, over different time intervals after the end of the campaign. 2. A weekly report of works done and the progress of the project. 3. Final project documentation describing the working of the tool.