Yash Raj

350h La Palma Volcano Eruption tracking tool

Merul Dhiman, Ivan J
Liquid Galaxy project
flutter, dart, Web scraping,
visualization, networking, maps, cluster, ux
I plan to develop a Volcano Eruption Tracking tool made with the help of the Dart native package called web_scraper 0.1.4 that collects all the data related to La Palma Volcano Eruption from various sites, such as COPERNICUS, GDACS, etc. This web scraping happens in our Flutter app, and then we convert the scraped JSON/String data to KML format. We segregate the KML data into the various tracks to get a more neat visualisation of the different Map data, such as Lava flow, Historic flow, Earthquake Magnitude, Detected events, Located events, Affected areas, etc. Then we write the code to send KML data from our Flutter app to the Liquid Galaxy to visualise this data on the Liquid Galaxy rig. We store all the web scraped data in the assets so web scraping is no longer needed once data of all tracks is gathered. Also, for a user-friendly interaction experience, the movements we do on the Google Maps is detected and Google Earth of the Liquid Galaxy can be moved. Other important features are the multi-language plugin and day/night theme that gives a better user-experience.