Apache Dubbo GSoC2022 Proxyless Mesh support
- Mentors
- Albumen Kevin, Jun
- Organization
- Apache Software Foundation
- Technologies
- dubbo
- Topics
- proxyless mesh
xDS 官方说明
● Listener Discovery Service (LDS): Returns Listener resources. Used basically as a convenient root for the gRPC client's configuration. Points to the RouteConfiguration. ● Route Discovery Service (RDS): Returns RouteConfiguration resources. Provides data used to populate the gRPC service config. Points to the Cluster. ● Cluster Discovery Service (CDS): Returns Cluster resources. Configures things like load balancing policy and load reporting. Points to the ClusterLoadAssignment. ● Endpoint Discovery Service (EDS): Returns ClusterLoadAssignment resources. Configures the set of endpoints (backend servers) to load balance across and may tell the client to drop requests.
协议基础:protobuf + gRPC
实现方案 1:使用 io.grpc 的依赖手动创建原生 gRPC 服务 实现方案 2:使用 Dubbo 3.0 的新协议
测试环境控制平面 mock
Envoy 提供的 Java 实例控制平面 https://github.com/envoyproxy/java-control-plane
Java 版协议支持
Envoy 提供的 Java 版控制平面 API https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:io.envoyproxy.controlplane