Ignacy Kuchciński

Make "New Documents" feature discoverable

GNOME Foundation
c, gobject, GTK4
ui, design, Usability
The New Document creation feature is considered to be a part of core user experience, but its design implementation has room for improvement, especially in discoverability and usability. There are also further regressions to be addressed caused by the GTK 4 port. My proposal for this project is to design and implement a new UI for this feature that will mainly resolve the discoverability problem - when there are no templates in the Templates directory, the new document menu is not shown, and many users don’t know about its existence. Another thing I’ll focus on is the ability to easily add more templates, which could possibly require various changes across the ecosystem. I will be working in close cooperation with the Nautilus developers, GNOME design team, and with various user studies in mind. My main goals are following: 1. Design and implement an empty state in the New Documents menu, that will offer the user the ability to add new templates, both pre-defined as well as custom. 2. Making use of visual representations of each template, such as icons, to help users find what they’re looking for. 3. Add the ability to search the list of templates to add to the menu.