Stefanos Vlachos

EΑΤ - Addition of Jboss Community Server Release Snapshot and multi-version Android Projects

Panagiotis Sotiropoulos
JBoss Community
java, Maven, JBoss Server, CI Technologies and concepts
testing, continuous integration, android, JBoss Server, AT Structures, Testsuites, Multiversion
EAT (Eap Additional Testsuite) is a testsuite to develop tests against infinite number of JBoss servers. It’s an innovative tool because it’s creating the test once and testing with any version of the tested software. EAT is available for a number of server configurations and a CI pipeline can be built using the maven tool. The goal of the present project is to extend EAT with new features and tools. The implementation of the project is estimated to last from June to November (Large Size Project) and the timeline is envisaged as follows: During the 1st Phase (June 2022 - July 2022) a snapshot will be added for testing the latest version of JBoss Community Server. The newly added snapshot will be made available for use with the CI builds. Moreover, the extension of EAT with additional multiversion android projects (described at the second phase) will begin. Continuing to the 2nd Phase (July 2022 - September 2022), new multiversion Android projects will be added to EAT. In EAT there is already a basic android multiversion example. This will be extended with other open source android projects demonstrating how EAT can be used to support multiversion real life android projects. Finally, during the 3rd Phase ( September 2022 – November 2022) a multi-version Android application will be developed and added to EAT. This app will enable users to upload and view descriptions and ways of usage for various programs or functions. The users will be able to upload the descriptions of projects related to EAT, how they can be used and other project related information. The documents will be proposed for acceptance and when accepted they will be stored in e.g. google drive, from where they will be accessible for anyone interested.