Lalit Suthar

Extending the WikidataComplete plugin for enabling data donations, recommendations, and gamification

Aleksandr Perevalov, Kunpeng GUO, Andreas Both
Wikimedia Foundation
python, django, reactjs, DjangoRestFramework
web, gamification
Wikidata is one of the largest hosts of open data. Missing or new information needs to be added by community members. Otherwise, the knowledge base will dry out and be obsolete after a while. My project's goal is to create an ecosystem that will consist of Web service interfaces to push data from different sources, s.t. researchers. The industry can easily integrate it into their systems and efficiently help to extend the Wikidata knowledge base. The impact of this will be data donations will be possible directly via different sources. The process will become easier and less time-consuming for contributors. Hence, the quality and quantity of the open data offered by Wikidata will increase. I will later try to implement a recommendation engine that suggests agreeable facts to Wikidata editors that are likely to be in their area of expertise. Also, gamification features to show appreciation to Wikidata editors, e.g., a badge Web service allowing users to integrate their score/rank into their profiles on social networks. That will be encouraging for the editors. Goals (1) Implement Webservice interfaces for data donations, i.e., sets of approvable facts (which should also contain links to evidence, etc.) (2) Implement a recommendation engine that suggests agreeable facts to Wikidata editors that are likely to be in their area of expertise. (3) Extend the gamification features to show appreciation to Wikidata editors. Example: a badge Web service allowing users to integrate their score/rank into their profiles on social networks (e.g., on Wikidata’s user page, GitHub profile, Linkedin profile) to show their dedication and activate other users. Impact (1) Data donations are possible and at the same time, an efficient approval process is supported. (2) More fact ingestions with the help of the Wikimedia community. (3) Faster integration of new facts into Wikidata.