Vinícius Cavalcanti

BIM Liquid Galaxy Visualizer

Marc Gonzalez Capdevila, Karine Pistili Rodrigues
Liquid Galaxy project
flutter, node, sockets, Unity
web, big data, mobile, 3D visualization
This project aims to build a platform to see BIM models and their corresponding metadata both in an android 10’ tablet and on the Liquid Galaxy Cluster. The models will be shown in a scene created with the Unity Engine, that is a game development engine. With the tablet it will be possible to look and interact with the scene using augmented reality. The android app will also allow you to open the scene on the Galaxy cluster and when this option is chosen a new screen will be opened with a controller for the scene. The scene that will be running on the galaxy will be a WebGL scene, so for that a chromium based project will be developed using Node Js. The node app will interact with the Liquid Galaxy using web sockets and in this way it will be possible to synchronize the displays.