Rajiv Ranjan Singh

New Documentation Site Engine

Meg McRoberts, Suraj, Indermohan Singh
javascript, html, css, ci/cd, markdown
cloud-native, observability
My project will be Making a New Documentation Site Engine for Keptn which can handle a large number of documentations projects of Keptn. Currently, the Keptn documentation site is based on Hugo based theme called hugo-serif-theme. For tutorials, Codelabs is also used. While extremely handy for smaller projects and initial versions of Keptn, this toolchain has serious deficiencies for larger-scale projects like Keptn. I am going to propose a New Documentation Site Engine that will be based on Docusaurus. Docusaurus is an optimized site generator in React. Docusaurus helps you to move fast and write content. Build documentation websites, blogs, marketing pages, and more. The main focus of Keptn New Documentation Site Engine will be managing large-scale documentation and complex documentation projects. So two major things which are needed in the documentation engine are Multiple repository docs support and Versioning of Docs support. Find my detailed GSoC 2022 Project Proposal at