Asif Khan

Camera and Gimbal enhancements

Randy Mackay, Peter Barker
lua, c++, xml, embedded systems, Mavlink
embedded systems, linux, drones, Ardupilot, cameras, Aerial robotics, PixHawk, Gimbals
This project aims to fix camera and gimbals related issues in ArduPilot, upgrading currently supported messages and adding support for new mavlink messages. Some new and exciting features are also introduced, those are: 1. Pointing gimbal at circle-centre, 2. Gimbal Following another vehicle, 3. Time based triggering of image capture, 4. Start/Stop Video recording when arm/disarm, 5. Camera logging with mount specific messages, 6. GIMBAL_MANAGER_SET_ATTITUDE support, 7. Transferring support of mount poi (point of interest) from lua to c++, 8. Support for specifying which gimbal each camera is associated with, 9. Fixing other bugs in gimbals and cameras (specifically SiYi Zr10)