Mattia Righetti

The Tor Network Status API

GeKo, Silvia [Hiro]
The Tor Project
rust, sql
web, rest apis, backend
In an effort to improve current resource utilisation and optimisation, the Tor team is developing a new version of their pipeline (v2.0). This update involves transferring much of the data related to Tor nodes and bridges from files stored on a single server's disk to two separate databases: Postgres and Victoria Metrics. The main objective of this project is to design a RESTful API service using the `actix_web` framework that is going to be integrated in the new pipeline v2.0 to support data retrival from the two databases. In particular, the focus will be on designing the new APIs, its requests, and response formats. The project will also involve defining appropriate endpoints and data models, ensuring scalability, performance, and security. The final goal is to achieve a web service that is going to extend/replace the current onionoo protocol used by stakeholders interested in the status of the Tor network and its individual nodes.