Saurabh Jamadagni

Adding a menu to Scribe-iOS application and expanding keyboard languages

Andrew McAllister
Wikimedia Foundation
swift, sparql, Figma, UIKit, Wikidata Query Service
machine learning, mobile
Scribe is a keyboard application for language learners. It sources its data from Wikidata. 1. Adding a menu to the application: - Currently, the Scribe application only displays the installation guide and a link to the open-source repository. - The design for the menu as seen in the figma file found in the repository of Scribe-iOS suggests the creation of multiple different screens that navigate to sections -- Installation, Settings, About and further sub-sections. - We can assume a simple navigation stack where the bottom most layer is the main ViewController. This is achieved using a NavigationController on the first view that is presented. 2. Adding more languages to the application - The data used by Scribe-iOS is generated and processed in the Scribe-Data project repository. - The deliverables here will include generating data for all the planned languages that need to be added to Scribe, cleaning and processing data to obtain language data files, creating and assigning corresponding files and variables in Xcode for all languages and user testing.