Matheus Baptistella

Fuzzer Template Generator: abstracting complexity to produce knowledge.

Andrea, Addison
security, fuzzing
Libafl is a library written in Rust that provides components to build fuzzers. A newcomer might feel confused when creating a fuzzer because that requires some knowledge of what each component does and how they can be used together. Without prior experience, going through the repository and trying to understand these features on your own is not a trivial task. To make Libafl more beginner-friendly, as well as didactic, this project proposes the implementation of a Fuzzer Template Generator. The generator will guide the user through the components, explain their functionalities and utilization, and output snippets of that component's Rust code, so the user may apply it to their fuzzer implementation. Therefore, this project aims to: 1. Implement a wizard, to show options and take the user's decisions, 2. Add a progressive flow chart generation, to help keep visual track, 3. Output Rust code for each component selected.