Sukanya Krishna

Improved Continuous Integration for Reactome

Open Genome Informatics
java, github, docker, kubernetes, jenkins, bash, aws
web, continuous integration, Continuous Deployment
Currently, at the Ontario Institute of Cancer Research, Jenkins is being used to run the release pipelines and this project proposes moving the system into a more automated format – to use Docker containers with a CI/CD-based system. In the standard release process, as project code will be built and pushed to the main branch for each GitHub repository, as a result, multiple dependencies would also be triggered to be built as well. In this way, we will know if a change in a dependency has correctly integrated into the broader code base. A lot of this testing is done manually, so automating this system can make the time frame for making a release much smaller. With a continuous integration system, we will integrate these artifacts with the release ETL (Extract Transform Load) pipelines.