Rares Miculescu

re:Arch Unikraft

RazvanD, Simon Kuenzer, SergiuM, Dr.-Ing. Marc Rittinghaus, Michalis E. Pappas
c, Registers
Drivers cancel, Restructuring
Unikraft is an automated system for building specialized POSIX-compliant OSes (unikernels). These unikernels are configured for the needs of specific applications. It is based around the concept of small, modular libraries, each providing a part of functionality found in an operating system (e. g. memory allocation, scheduling, network stack etc.). All components of Unikraft’s architecture are micro-libraries. Despite its “everything is a library” concept, Unikraft should have some architectural changes that can improve the program’s modularity and everybody’s experience. For example, some of the changes that can be made are: source code’s layout to be changed, APIs written as libraries (e. g. paging.c), moving drivers outside ‘common/’, implementing per-platform configuration etc.