Tim F. Brüggemann

Flatpak synching between machines

Rasmus Thomsen
GNOME Foundation
rust, Flatpak, Dbus, GTK4
desktop, cloud, Synchronization
Currently, it’s rather bothersome to sync the Flatpak packages installed on multiple systems: One either has to manually keep them in sync or use the CLI to get a list of installed Flatpaks. As such, it would be useful to have an application that can do this for users. The go-to approach would be a D-Bus daemon that automatically (either on changes or periodically) creates a list of installed Flatpaks and pushes it to a service like GitHub Gists. If a new version is detected (which comes from a different system), the daemon would fetch it and adjust the local installation accordingly. Additionally, there should be a GUI application that can interface with the daemon for setup and configuration. A CLI application for usage independent of the DE and manual syncing would be a plus.