Ritika Pahwa

Commons Android app: Make upload more reliable

Kaartic Sivaraam, Nicolas Raoul
Wikimedia Foundation
android, java, kotlin, sql
database, ui, ux
Wikimedia Commons is an Android app that enables users to upload and view pictures from their Android phone/tablet on the Commons server. This project aims to fix uploads related issues and deal with location metadata loss. I plan to solve each issue by following various hints provided by the mentors and figuring out the potential points of failure in each of them. Deliverables: Report/Blog on findings, fix bugs, write/modify corresponding unit tests Issue #5196: Picture location is sometimes lost despite being present in EXIF Possible Implementation Strategy: Based on the hints provided, a number of scenarios can be analysed and the location loss may be fixed depending on the case. Issue #5128: Upload often fails, especially when uploading 5 or more pictures over a slow Internet connection. Possible Implementation Strategy: As described in the issue, the network parameters need to be experimented upon, and a retry loop may be incorporated. Issue #5136 (if time allows): Retried uploads stuck in queued state Possible Implementation Strategy: As observed by some users, the uploading process gets resumed when a new upload is performed. This means that the STATE_QUEUED needs to be updated appropriately to the same state as that of a new upload once the internet connectivity resumes/the paused uploads are started again.