Meet M Agrawal

Improving Test Coverage for PEcAn Packages

Mike Dietze, Chris Black, Qianyu Li, Ankur Desai
PEcAn Project
testing, R Package Development
The short term goal is to improve unit test coverage for PEcAn base packages. The overall PEcAn ecosystem of packages (e.g, models and analysis modules) are heavily dependent upon these packages, thus having a good test coverage for these would improve overall system reliability. The medium term goal is to increase the reliability of PEcAn’s integration tests, and thus my second round of package testing and refactoring will prioritize the packages that are most associated with overall workflow bottlenecks (e.g.,, which is focused on downloading and processing meteorological data). An added long term goal would be to document testing approaches to make adding tests more smooth and consistent across packages for future packages or functions that get on-boarded, thereby making them more maintainable and reliable.