
Idea 22.3 - Abhishek Tiwari - Code editor support for Brian model equations

Marcel Stimberg, Dan Goodman, Ben Evans
python, javascript, json, asynchronous programming, VS Code LSP, grammar skills, TextMate
web development, scientific computing, Computational Neuroscience, Extension Development
This project involves creating a VS Code extension that provides enhanced support for the Brian2 neural simulator. The extension aims to improve the user experience and productivity of those working with Brian2 by offering syntax highlighting, syntax checking, auto-completion, and language server protocol (LSP) support. These features will be implemented using various programming languages and tools, including Javascript, Python, and the LSP protocol. The deliverables for this project include a fully functional extension that can be installed and used with VS Code, as well as documentation on how to install and use the extension. The extension will be designed to work seamlessly with Brian 2 and will provide a user-friendly interface that is easy to use and navigate.