Ralph Samer

Pocket Code - Integrate S2C

thmq, Wolfgang Slany

My work is targeting the Scratch to Catrobat converter. The Scratch to Catrobat converter is a tool that converts programs written in MIT's popular visual desktop programming language Scratch into Catrobat programs. In contrast to Scratch, Catrobat is a visual programming language tailor-made for mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets.

This project is intended to improve the user experience of the conversion process. The main points of these improvements refer to replacing the web interface with a native UI (directly integrated into Pocket Code's Android app) and implementing a WebSocket client that communicates with a central web service. In addition to that, users can search for Scratch programs inside the app and select programs they would like to convert. Those Scratch programs are then converted by the server into Pocket Code programs that can be executed on their mobile device. On the server-side, the web service should act as a central hub for any kind of client applications being planned in the future. Thus, server-related preparations and improvements have to be made as well.