& LibreCAD, OpenSCAD, STEPcode, LinuxCNC, FreeCAD, & Slic3r! Computer Graphics.
& LibreCAD, OpenSCAD, STEPcode, LinuxCNC, FreeCAD, & Slic3r! Computer Graphics.
This is the place to be if you want to work on computer graphics, 3D printing, 2D and 3D geometry, solid modeling, CAx (CAD/CAM/CAE/etc), visualization, or high-performance computing. BRL-CAD is participating as an umbrella organization with several other open source computer-aided technologies (CAx):
- BRL-CAD for 3D solid modeling, ray tracing, and geometric analysis.
- LibreCAD for 2D, specializing in blueprint-style drawings and draftings.
- OpenSCAD for programmable 3D CAD geometry.
- STEPcode for parsing the complex STEP geometry file format.
- FreeCAD for parametric modeling with engineering functionality.
- Slic3r for generating printing instructions for 3D printers.
2017 Program