Siddhant Kumar Patel

Loklak Wok Android app into library and app with search and tweet features

Mario Behling, Damini Satya, Michael Christen, Sudheesh Singanamalla, Manan Wason

Addition of required Javadoc comments and refactoring variable names, methods and some classes in the loklakj_lib​, so that it can be published in the Maven ​repository, MavenCentral. Adding loklak API endpoints that are not currently implemented in loklakj_lib. Implementing static methods for generating ​oauth_nonce and ​oauth_signature ​in both loklakj_lib and ​loklak_python_api​.

Replacing’s applet with auto-scrolling RecyclerView and ListView in the loklak_wok_android​ app and ​loklak_wok_desktop​ app respectively. Adding the following features to both apps:

  1. Search tweets using Loklak
  2. Post tweet using LoklakWok
  3. Push the posted tweet to Loklak server

The GUI library for desktop app will be​ PyQt5​. The above listed app features can be implemented for desktop app using loklak_python_api. Desktop app will be either a new project (new repo) or the same repository (removing the current code), depends on mentor’s decision.