Open Event Orga Android App Development
- Mentors
- NiranjanRajendran, Manan Wason, Harshit D (the-dagger), Aayush Arora, Mario Behling, Eden Dang
- Organization
Open Event Orga App is an Android client for the Open Event Orga API for event management. The app allows organizers to sign up and log in, view sale analytics, scan QR code and check in attendees, manage and create tickets.
The app also contains following features:
- Sales overview with graphs
- More fluent QR scan workflow
- Background job scheduling for offline support
- Event and Organizer Info
- Uniform and modern material look
We have also followed best practices for Android and maintained high standards in terms of code quality and structure so that there is no compromise in app performance and stability:
- Model View Presenter (MVP) architecture
- Use of RxJava for asynchronous programming
- Use of abstractions for ease in testing
- Dependency injection using Dagger
- Distributed code following separation of concerns
- High quantity of unit tests for models and presenters for high code coverage