Akshat Garg

Build an analytics tool for SUSI.AI

Orbiter, Isuru Abeywardana, Pratyush Singh, Dravit Lochan, Madhav Rathi, Chetan Kaushik, Saurabh, Mario Behling

SUSI.AI CMS is the web client for SUSI.AI ( An intelligent open source personal assistant) which showcases the skills that SUSI.AI has to offer, along with multiple other functionalities. The aim of the project is to :

  • Implement five star skill rating system.
  • Implement skill feedback system.
  • Implement feature to report a skill.
  • Add functionality to directly test the skill examples on SUSI Web-chat.
  • Feature to upload/get avatar of a user.
  • Add functionalities to the SUSI Admin Panel.
  • Display skills based on standard metrics on the home screen.
  • Display various statistics like skill usage and skill ratings on the skill details screen.
  • Revamp the entire UI/UX of the Skills CMS web client.
  • Improve code quality and refactor the components.
  • Improve existing project documentation.

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