Liam Burke

Improve User Interface of the Data Ingest Workflow in PEcAn

David LeBauer, Michael Dietze, Tony Gardella
PEcAn Project

Ingesting data into PEcAn is currently a user-hostile process for researchers. To simplify this process, the PEcAn team would benefit from an application that can download datasets from any data federation, and parse the metadata so that it can be automatically read into PEcAn. To help further them in this direction, I will create an ingest workflow for a single data federation, DataOne, as a proof of concept. This app will be able to resolve data by doi. I will also add drag and drop functionality to facilitate downloading data from unsupported data federations. This app will then facilitate the process of selecting the correct semantics necessary in order to ingest data into BETYdb (the PEcAn database) by walking the user through this complex process. This app will also serve future development by creating a probability distribution of the semantics selected by the users. This distribution can be used to train a machine learning algorithm that will suggest semantic selection with greater accuracy in the future.