Ferencz Kovács

Plotting of live MQTT data

Fabian Kristof- Szabolcs
KDE Community

Currently LabPlot has some support for the plotting of live data, which can be read from file/named pipe, TCP socket, UDP socket, local socket and serial port. The goal of this project is to provide support for the plotting of data received via MQTT protocol from a certain broker. LabPlot currently doesn’t provide any support for MQTT, even though it would be quite important for LabPlot to provide this kind of support, since it is a scientific data plotting software and MQTT protocol is widely used to transmit certain sensor data.

This project would increase LabPlot’s usability regarding analyses of scientific data, monitoring data collected by sensors, that is transmitted by MQTT protocol, or even make LabPlot usable in the field of Internet of Things or Smart Home Appliances.

The project would involve extending LiveDataSource class, ImportFileWidget, LiveDataDock and AsciiFilter in order to set up a connection with a MQTT broker based on information provided by the user. Then LabPlot could receive and handle MQTT messages, save and plot the data transmitted by them. Already existing functionality for other types of live data source will be adapted to this protocol as well.