Hanqing Xie

Personal for GSoC 2018 - JdeRobot-Academy: robot navigation using Open Motion Planning Library

Alberto Martin
JdeRobot - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

This project aims to build a ROS gazebo simulation framework to display robot navigation using OMPL. The framework include OMPL GUI, navigation node, obstacle plugin and robot model.

OMPL GUI should manage the navigation’s start or stop and set all the parameters such as robot type, start and goal pose and different OMPL planner. The tool can publish relevant message or subscribe service to change parameter.

Navigation receives configure from GUI node and obstacle information from gazebo. It calls the OMPL api and publish ROS path message. If the robot model is devoted to route, this node should update the new planning path based on new robot pose.

Although it just needs a known scenario in claim, I think it is convenience that we can change obstacle position freely. The gazebo plugin for obstacle can publish self-information or subscribe navigation’s service to change obstacle information.

When navigation node publish the Path message, a robot model and its path following function is needed to complete this motion. Conveniently, I will use robot models in the JdeRobot such as turtlebot and adrone.

Integrate all the above and implement the integral ROS gazebo simulation framework.