Alkis Georgopoulos

GSoC Epoptes Proposal

Fotis Tsamis
GFOSS - Open Technologies Alliance

Epoptes, a computer lab management and monitoring tool, has been undermaintained for the last couple of years. It’s currently powered by Python 2 and GTK 2, while unfortunately a number of bugs have crept in due to major updates in Linux distribution packages (systemd, consolekit, VNC…). This project aims at reviving Epoptes with Python 3 and GTK 3 support, while also addressing several outstanding issues. More specifically:

  • Make Epoptes run properly in Ubuntu 18.04 and in Debian Buster.
  • Rewrite Epoptes with Python 3 support.
  • Use Gtk3 with GObject Introspection instead of pygtk2.
  • Improvements in the code structure (Break existing code into python modules/packages).
  • Make the newer version available for Ubuntu 18.04 in a PPA.