Tim Yu

R Interface to Ideogram.js Library

Jialin Ma, Eric Weitz, Freeman Wang
R project for statistical computing

This project aims to provide an R interface to Ideogram.js, integrate it with bioconductor infrastructures and possibly provide an interactive whole-genome exploring tool combining with other visualization components.

Ideogram.js is a JavaScript library for chromosome visualization. It can be used for interactive visualization of chromosomes of different species, showing cytobands, showing annotations along the chromosomes, showing position mapping (e.g. homology) between different chromosomes, etc.

There is already a simple R interface to the Ideogram.js library at freestatman/ideogRam as a proof of concept. The main purpose of this project is to improve this interface and integrate it with bioconductor infrastructures (e.g. to support S4 classes like GRanges as annotation data).

Moreover, the most important feature that the package may provide for static visualization is the ability to combine with other visualization packages to interactively exploring the whole genome.