Speech2Text Engine & Voice Recognition API Integration
- Mentors
- Rodrigo Nascimento, Pierre Lehnen
- Organization
- Rocket.Chat
Integrate an Open Source speech to text engine to be used inside Rocket.Chat by users who prefer an On-Premise full-featured installation. There are many opensource speech2text engines on the market, like CMUSphinx and pocketsphinxjs, annyang, JuliusJS, Mumble, Voix JS, voice-commands.js and Artyon.js. The project includes a feature matrix comparison between those engines and the best one to be implemented in Rocket.Chat bundle, giving the UI the ability to click a button, record a message, send it to the text2speech engine and return the results to Rocket.Chat editing message box.
Develop a voice recognition integration feature, by building a Settings pane to connect some of the well-known voice recognition and speech to text APIs on the market directly from within Rocket.Chat. By configuring API’s connection and usage attributes, and giving rocket.chat’s UI the ability to click a button, record a message, send to the desired API and return the results to Rocket.Chat editing message box.