Mishal Shah

Improving the ns-3 AppStore and linking with bake

Ankit Deepak, Abhijith
The ns-3 Network Simulator Project

The project aims to extend the functionalities of the existing AppStore and primarily linking it with the bake build system, so as to support more functionality to the build system and make it easier for ns-3 developers to install new extensions, search for new extensions, support to update extensions from the command line will also be added. However, currently, the AppStore is in Python2.7 and hence porting the AppStore to Python3 is also one of the tasks ahead to keep the AppStore up with the current technology. To enhance the functionalities of the AppStore GitLab/GitHub OAuth will be added, statistics for each extension will be added, multi-threaded comments will also be added for better developer interaction and the modules rating UI will be improved.