Amaan Iqbal

CDLI - Search Results Visualizations

Shraddha Manchekar, rune.r, Émilie Pagé-Perron
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI)

CDLI has rich geographical and temporal data at its disposal. Currently, this information is not fully utilized. Although the data schema is being improved, there are significant challenges in exploiting the new relationships available.

The proposed idea is to develop beautiful interactive visualizations of the search results using D3.js which will be displayed on the revamped website of Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative(CDLI) i.e., Altogether, a total of 5 different types of visualization will be developed and the one closest to the search filters will be displayed inside the Visualize tab, along with a dropdown option to toggle between different visualizations. Further, the developed visualizations will be made taking care of accessibility for differently abled users and device screen sizes.