Aditya Singh

To integrate Network-wide Ad-blocking in Amahi HDA and to develop a centralized SSL Certificate Management Interface for Amahi


This project aims at providing network-wide Ad-blocking in Amahi HDA and to develop a centralized SSL Certificate Management Interface for Amahi.
Network-wide Ad-blocking feature would prevent a client from being served with any advertisements whether browser-based or in-app. This would also eradicate the need for installing any ad-blockers on every device separately within a HDA local network.
The centralized SSL Certificate Management Interface would enable Amahi to provide SSL certificates to the subdomains, Amahi provides to each HDA user in form of Amahi Dynamic DNS after installation. This would enable the HDA to serve the content intended securely. This subdomain is used by the Amahi user for connecting to their HDA remotely, using remote desktop applications or even hosting a website.