Clickboard Support Under Greybus
- Mentors
- Ravi Kumar Prasad, Jason Kridner
- Organization
Click boards are a flagship hardware product line of MikroElektronika with over 600 add-on boards ranging from wireless connectivity clicks to Human Machine Interface clicks for interfacing with peripheral sensors or transceivers. Most of the Click boards use the common protocols like SPI,I2C or UART to communicate with the Beaglebone and thus the support for them now is accomplished via device tree overlays via the repository. This requires /boot/uEnv.txt to be modified to load the drivers at boot, requiring at least one reboot to enable the support in a potentially error-prone way.
The Greybus Simulator is a tool which simulates an AP Bridge, SVC, and an arbitrary set of modules plugged into Greybus. Greybus already provides most of the interfaces used on click boards and utilises manifest files to enumerate hardware at run-time.This project aims to enable Click Board Support via Greybus Simulator by writing suitable Manifests according to the Click board Specifications and by simply copying the manifest to a hotplug-directory a click board can be loaded,which would make the interfacing a lot easier.