Modular and configurable OS for embedded applications
Modular and configurable OS for embedded applications
Embox main idea is using Linux software without Linux.
Imagine, you need a single application in the embedded system, but you want to use some libraries (Qt, OpenCV, etc). In Linux case you need a high-performance hardware. In Embox case you can use the software as bare-metal including the only required system parts.
Benefits of this way:
- Use low power hardware
- Use boards with small resources
- Use existing software
- Develop your software on Linux
- Care less about security because static linking disables executing external software
Embox achievements:
- VoIP phone on STM32F7Discovery based on PJSIP project
- Qt on STM32F7Discovery
- OpenCV on STM32F769i board
- A lot of programming languages available: Python, Lisp, Java (phoneme), TCL, Ruby, Lua
- SSHD based on Dropbear project
- Mesa3d
- Quake3
- telnetd, httpd
- zeromq, qpid
- ...
2020 Program
Successful Projects
Erick Cafferata
Alexander Kalmuk, Anton Bondarev, Denis Deryugin
USB Gadget Framework Implementation and STM32F4/7Gadget Driver
Write a new USB Gadget Framework. This ‘Gadget’ Framework will work like the current Host USB code works in Embox, providing all the high level API...