Robin Müller

Device Handler Development for the SOURCE Project

Steffen Gaisser, Yukon

GSOC 2020 - Device Handler Development for the SOURCE Project


I am Robin Mueller, a graduate student in aerospace engineering at the university of Stuttgart. I am interested in developing software for the following ideas:

  • [gsoc20-k-07] Implementing Device Handlers in the Flight Software


I will develop the various device handlers for the SOURCE project with real hardware. I will communicate with the responsible subsystems and mentors about the requirements and the results. I will also try to implement Fault Detection Isolation Recovery (FDIR) functionalities and unique space software components like the thermal monitoring and controlling as well. I will try to apply the concepts of virtualization to enable quick testing of devices where applicable. The goal is to create code which conforms to the unique space environment and is

  • Clean
  • Reliable
  • Maintainable