Finite Fourier series approximation of low-thrust lunar ballistic trajectories
- Mentors
- Manuel Sanjurjo-Rivo, Mario Merino
- Organization
The present proposal tries to give attention to the CR3BP in its potential applications for Earth-Moon transfers, as well as propose an alternative method to start any general optimization with a tool that has been proven very powerful for the two body problem. The mathematics involved cannot be fully presented in this proposal since although Fourier analysis and the CR3BP both have known properties and may be found easily on the literature, the conjunction has not been proposed or at least the literature does not appear to have it reflected as such.
In particular, the project will consist on developing briefly the mathematics, adapting the existing structure in MOLTO-3BP suit for the introduction of a FFS-based initial guess production code segment. It would also provide quantitative tools to assess the quality of the guesses and finally an easy visualization with the help of Matlab built-in functions.