Matt Schwennesen

NetworkX: Implementing the Asadpour Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem Algorithm

Dan Schult

This project seems to implement the asymmetric traveling salesman problem developed by Asadpour et al, originally published in 2010 and revised in 2017. The project is broken into multiple methods, each of which has a set timetable during the project. We start by solving the Held-Karp relaxation using the Ascent method from the original paper by Held and Karp. Assuming the result is fractional, we continue into the Asadpour algorithm (integral solutions are optimal by definition and immediately returned). We approximate the distribution of spanning trees on the undirected support of the Held Karp solution using a maximum entropy rounding method to construct a distribution of trees. Roughly speaking, the probability of sampling any given tree is proportional to the product of all its edge lambda values. We sample 2 log n trees from the distribution using an iterative approach developed by V. G. Kulkarni and choose the tree with the smallest cost after returning direction to the arcs. Finally, the minimum tree is augmented using a minimum network flow algorithm and shortcut down to an O(log n / log log n) approximation of the minimum Hamiltonian cycle.