
Expanding ROCm Support in Debian and Derivatives

ckastner, cgmb, Mo Zhou
linux, c++, cmake, bash
machine learning, gpu
ROCm is one of the open source alternatives and main competitor to CUDA. Currently, Debian and its derivatives supports only the core packages of ROCm like the driver, runtime and compiler. However, there still exist some peripheral tools and high level applications cannot be simply installed by users, making it still in the early stage for the Debian ecosystem. In this proposal, we are going to build, package and upload these missing softwares into Debian repositories to provide Debian users flawless experiences. We plan to initially package some simple softwares like monitoring and documenting tools, and then high level applications like PyTorch. After familiarizing the basic packaging skills, it comes to more challenging tasks like bug fixing and providing supports for wider GPU architectures. The final deliverables will be a series of ROCm packages with the community quality assurance met.