Internet content for people without internet access
Kiwix brings internet content to people without internet access. Based on the openZIM file format, a website -any website- will be converted to a .zim file that can be then stored locally and accessed without the need for a further internet connexion: users can then access Wikipedia, the Wiktionary, TED talks, the Gutenberg library on their device, wherever they are and whenever they please. Kiwix runs on most platforms (Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and Linux) and is, of course, free to use.
The software passed the million direct downloads mark at the end of 2016, 80% of these users being in the Global South. Kiwix is also used by a host of organizations around the world, be it in rural schools of Western and Southern Africa or education and rehabilitation programs in US and European prisons. There are also uses we hadn't planned for: Kiwix is for instance distributed by the Cuban government to help people save on data costs, or by NGOs in North Korea trying to smuggle uncensored information into the hermit kingdom.
We have recently started releasing "custom apps"; that is, Android apps that are based on the Kiwix engine but offer only a specific piece of content. A good example is WikiMed, an application that offers medical content from Wikipedia in 10 languages: again, it is particularly popular in the Global South (India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Iraq and Egypt, but to name a few of our larger user bases).