Intel Media And Audio For Linux

Open Source Media libraries, Applications, User space driver and Specification.

c, video, hardware acceleration, codecs, va-api
video encode, video decode, hardware accelerated media processing, video post processing, video apis
Open Source Media libraries, Applications, User space driver and Specification.

Intel Media and Audio for Linux is a family of media software, including libVA, VAAPI-Intel-Driver, gstreamer-vaapi, libyami and libxcam. libVA is an open source software library and API specification to provide access to hardware accelerated video decoding/encoding and video processing. VAAPI-Intel-Driver is open source hardware accelerated video driver for Intel integrated graphics based on libVA. Gstreamer-vaapi is a GStreamer plugin that allows hardware accelerated video processing through libVA. libyami is an open source video codec library to accelerate video decoding/encoding based on libVA. libxcam is an open source camera library to support computational photography features like 3A and image processing. All of these projects increase the speed and performance of decoding and encoding compressed digital video, imaging and audio. They also support workload offloading from the CPU to the GPU.

These projects are provided for operating system vendors, systems integrators, and original device manufacturers who are creating branded or customized operating systems for embedded devices, phones, tablets, convertibles, desktops, gaming and entertainment systems and more. Independent software vendors that create applications and games can also take advantage of the freely available source code and binaries.

2018 Program

Successful Projects

Georg Ottinger
Xu Guangxin, Sreerenj, VĂ­ctor Jaquez
Intel Media And Audio For Linux
Enhancing Libva-Utils with VP8 and HEVC Encoding and Temporal Scalability for VP8
With the proposed GSOC 2018 project I'd like to contributing to an up-to-date libva-utils, by adding VP8 and HEVC encoding as well as VP8 temporal...