Visual tracking and visual servoing library
ViSP standing for Visual Servoing Platform allows prototyping and developing applications using computer vision, visual tracking and visual servoing techniques at the heart of the Lagadic research. ViSP was designed to be independent from the hardware, to be simple to use, expandable and cross-platform. ViSP allows to design vision-based tasks for eye-in-hand and eye-to-hand visual servoing that contains the most classical visual features that are used in practice. It involves a large set of elementary positioning tasks with respect to various visual features (points, segments, straight lines, circles, spheres, cylinders, image moments, pose...) that can be combined together, and image processing algorithms that allow tracking of visual cues (dots, segments, ellipses...) or 3D model-based tracking of known objects or template tracking. Simulation capabilities are also available.
Releases as well as daily snapshots can be downloaded as source code tarball or zip. ViSP is also packaged as binary packages for Debian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, OSX, iOS, and for ROS framework.
The user site is at The developer site is at: Nightly builds of the documentation are at: Code is hosted on GitHub: Inspired from OpenCV we also propose visp_contrib (new algorithms, applications and future GSoC contributions, related tutorials and samples code): Downloads for various OS and mobile devices: More than 64 tutorials are available to help the user: