Healthcare for Humanity
Healthcare for Humanity
We currently have under our umbrella the following projects:
- LibreHealth Toolkit, a foundational base for building Health IT tools
- LibreHealth EHR, an electronic health record derived from best practices and technology from leading open source systems
- LibreHealth Radiology, a specialized distribution of LibreHealth Toolkit customized for radiology health care professionals
Our GSoC student projects will address real-life needs of our projects to help improve delivery of health care around the world. We have a team of expert mentors with decades of experience to help you in your work. They will be continually adding project ideas to our forum at, and we encourage you to suggest ideas too as you learn more about our projects. Come join us and bring open source innovation to health care!
2018 Program
Successful Projects
Nilesh Prasad, Tony McCormick
Make a module that will handle all the PDF generation requirements of the software autonomously.
Currently the software uses a lot of exteranal libraries like HTML2PDF, MPDF, FPDF and TCPDF. My aim for the project is to make a custom PHP library...
Tigpezeghe Rodrige K.
Priyanshu Sinha, Art Eaton
Building a Report Generator for LibreHealth's EHR system
LibreEHR system currently has standard reports for various system features (Clients, Financial, Visits, Inventory, Services, Insurance, Procedures)....