ScummVM is a GSoC umbrella for game preservation projects

opengl, c++, assembly, sdl
games, game engines, software preservation
ScummVM is a GSoC umbrella for game preservation projects

Since 2014, ScummVM acts as a GSoC umbrella for game preservation projects, such as its sister project, ResidualVM. The purpose is only to replace the game executable, not to enhance or replace the game assets.

ScummVM is a collection of game engines for playing classic graphical point-and-click adventure games on modern hardware. Recently we have also started adding engines for RPG games.

ResidualVM is a sister project of ScummVM games and was created in 2003. ResidualVM shares large blocks of common code with ScummVM, some developers and even a mentor.

  • ScummVM supports classic 2D adventure games such as Monkey Island, Simon the Sorcerer, Space Quest, and many more. We have also started work to support 2D RPG games such as Dungeon Master. To this end, the Virtual Machines (called Engines) are complete reimplementations in C++ of the engines used in the original games. The number of engines is constantly growing thanks to a very agile and diversified development team and ScummVM is currently able to run more than 200 games. The VM approach followed by ScummVM results in efficient code, which has been ported to numerous Operating Systems (over 30). ScummVM has a highly productive team of about 45 currently active developers (out of an all-time pool of over 130), working together on a codebase of 2,800,000 lines of code. In addition ScummVM has many non-developer contributors, and a huge and highly active community.

  • ResidualVM is a cross-platform 3D game interpreter which allows you to play some 3D adventure games, such as Cyan's Myst 3 and LucasArts' Lua-based 3D adventures: Grim Fandango and Escape from Monkey Island, provided you already have their data files. Like ScummVM, ResidualVM replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed.

2018 Program

Successful Projects

Douglas Liu
Bastien Bouclet
ScummVM GSoC Application: Improve the Stark Engine
Improve the Stark engine on ResidualVM to make the game menus and character’s shadows working on the game The Longest Journey.
Andrii Prykhodko
Eugene Sandulenko, John Willis
Pink Panther Engine
Reverse and implement game engine of Pink Panther : Passport to Peril and Pink Panther : Hokus Pokus Pink game for ScummVm. These games use the same...
Matthew Stewart
Paul Gilbert, Arnaud Boutonné
Star Trek Engine
This will be an implementation of the engine used by Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Star Trek: Judgment Rites, two DOS games made by Interplay in...